Manage notifications in Teams 您所在的位置:网站首页 Notifications Manage notifications in Teams

Manage notifications in Teams

#Manage notifications in Teams| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Microsoft Teams offers different ways to access, receive, and manage notifications. These settings include how, when, and where your notifications appear, custom settings for channels and chat, appearance and sounds, turning off specific messages, and so on.


Microsoft Windows can block notifications before they appear in Teams. Follow the instructions in Change notification and action settings in Windows 10 to make sure that your system settings allow apps (including Teams) to send notifications to you.

If you're using macOS version 10.15 and above, follow the instructions at Use notifications on your Mac.

To manage your notifications, select Settings and more Teams more icon in the top right of Teams, then select Settings Settings button  > Notifications  Activity button.

Manage notification sounds

To turn off or turn on notification sounds, toggle on Play sound for incoming calls and notifications.

Customize channel notifications

To be notified about all your shown channels, select All activity

To be notified only when you are @mentioned or when you receive replies to your messages in channels, select Mentions & replies

For the most control over your channel notifications, select Custom

Customize Teams channel notifications

Customize all other notifications

Choose the Edit button next to the category to customize how you receive notifications for that category.

Categories include Chat, Meetings and Calls, People, and Other.

Screenshot of Teams notification settings for chat, meetings, people, and other. Only get notifications in the app

Select Edit next to Chat, then choose Only show in feed for a specific category. All notifications for that type of activity will be sent to Activity  Activity button, which you can find at the top left corner of Teams.

Note: The app will still flash on desktop taskbar when notifications arrive, but no pop-up will show on your desktop.

Screenshot of Teams chat notification settings Get notified in the app and on desktop

Choose whether or not a message preview shows on desktop by turning the toggle on for Show message preview.

Select Banner and feed to receive notifications as both a desktop notification and as an alert in Activity Activity button.

Note: In Windows, notification banners will show in the bottom right of your screen. In macOS, they show in the top right.

Screenshot of Teams notification settings. A red outline circles the banner and feed setting Turn off notifications during meetings and calls

Select Edit next to Meetings and Calls and then turn the toggle on for Mute notifications during meetings and calls.

Note: The dropdown settings under Meeting started notification and Meeting chat notifications aren't affected by choosing to mute notifications during meetings and calls. You can modify those separately.

turn off notifications during meetings and calls Turn off notifications for specific conversations

In a channel conversation, go to the top right corner of the original message and select More options  More options buttonTurn off notifications

As with muting a chat, turning off notifications to a channel conversation will stop updates for that specific conversation.

Note: You'll still receive notifications if someone directly @mentions you.

Screenshot of more options menu on a channel conversation. A red line circles the turn off notification settings.

Change channel notifications from the teams list

Hover on a channel in your teams list and select More options Microsoft Teams more options iconChannel notifications Activity button.

Choose from All activity, Off, or Custom—just as you would in settings. When you select Custom, a new window will open that has more options.

Note: By default, channel @mentions are turned off and all new posts will only show in Activity  Activity button.

Screenshot of channel notification settings in the more options menu. A red line circles the more options icon and Channel notifications Manage notifications from Activity

Go to Activity  Activity button on the left side of Teams, hover over the notification that you want to change, and then select More options  More options button.

From here, mark a notification as read or unread, turn off notifications for reactions and apps, and on channel notifications you can adjust what kind of activity you get notified about for that specific channel.

turn off reaction notifications from activity

To learn more, check out First things to know about notifications.

From your activity feed, tap Filter Filter button to show only certain types of messages such as unread messages, @mentions, replies, and likes. Use the feed options to select team or individual activity.

To customize your notifications, tap Menu  More button > Settings > Notifications.

From your activity feed, tap Filter Filter button to show only certain types of messages such as unread messages, @mentions, replies, and likes. Use the feed options to select team or individual activity.

To customize your notifications, tap Menu More button > Settings > Notifications.






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